Sci-fi stories galore – and updates from Kris Maze

Hello dear readers,

As a valued reader of Kris Maze, I’m excited to invite you to join me on an author’s journey through the cosmos! My upcoming events are packed with opportunities to immerse yourself in the world of sci-f, writing with humor and, strong female protagonists. Get an insider’s look at what’s coming next.

International Women’s Day

Want to read about female protagonists who stand for justice and survive from futuristic doom?  Try Blue Foot, a Sci-fi story.  Purchase a paperback this week and get the ebook as a free download to celebrate. Also enjoy free shipping from

Blue Foot ebook cover Instagram

Conference Chats:

Join Kris Maze at upcoming conferences where you can dive deep into the themes and inspirations behind becoming a Young Adult (YA) author. Engage in lively discussions, ask burning questions, and connect with fellow inspiring creatives who share your passion for the written word.

Stay Tuned for pictures and insights from these events for language teachers.

California Language Teachers’ Association

2024 Annual Conference

March 9-10, 2024 

Hyatt Regency Monterey

2024 PNCFL Regional Spring Conference

March 21-23

At the University of Washington, Seattle, WA

Sneak Peeks:

Be the first to glimpse into the future of Kris Maze’s universe! Get exclusive access to sneak peeks, cover reveals, and behind-the-scenes content at our book launches. You’ll get a taste of what’s to come and can share your excitement with others before the books hit the market.

Beta Reading Team:

book with electric pages

Kris Maze is looking for a select group of readers to join our beta reading team for my upcoming project, Scaretastic and Sci-fi Stories. If you love getting an early look at new books and providing valuable feedback, this is your chance to be a part of the creative process! 

More information coming in my next newsletter. Spaces are limited, so keep an eye out for Kris Maze emails and don’t miss out on this opportunity.

Author Inspriation – the Snow Moon

Picture this. You under the vast expanse of a starry sky, gazing up at the twinkling lights above. You find solace and inspiration in the quiet of the night, the crackling of the campfire beside you casting a warm glow. 

Sounds peaceful, huh?

That is how I spent the evening that we had a snow moon in February and it didn’t disappoint.

As I watched the past Snow Moon, its soft light illuminating the darkness, it was a great opportunity to reflect on the ancient tales and myths that have inspired my stories. The beauty of the night sky sparks your imagination, and you can envision new worlds and adventures to embark upon.

Although, I found the moon inspiring. Some research suggests that the snow moon can cause you to lose sleep.  Check out this video from and see if you agree. 

Snow Moon Video

Did you have a peaceful sleep or was it disrupted?

Until next time, keep reading!

Kris Maze