paddleboard on shore

Life Jacket – 5 fantastic flotation devices for Living Well

paddleboard on shore

Life Jacket – 5 fantastic flotation devices for Living Well

When participating in water sports, one usually needs a life jacket on their body or somewhere near by. Which would you choose? Wear it, or tuck it under the strings of your board? Paddle boarding is one sport where wearing it is not necessary. Depending on the water conditions and your skill comfort level, you may prefer the freedom of flying above the water without a jacket.

There are benefits to both, but each paddler must decide which option is best for their ride. Often times, depending on the laws of your state, a paddler needs to carry a whistle to alert boats or signal for help if needed. These items keep you safe so you can enjoy the physical benefits of exercise and appreciate the beautiful views from the board. Check out the rules according to the Coast GuardAnd this link for general tips on enjoying your SUP.

Whether you chose to wear the jacket might depend on your skill level. Perhaps this is your first time, or you are not confident in your swimming ability. Sometimes we lose our balance and fall in, or a boat passes and dumps us into the water. The board may slip away from under you, and toss you into the water. It is possible to hit one’s head, knocking one unconscious and drowning the rider. This is exactly what the life jacket can prevent . The person is rendered helpless, and could die without the help of the life jacket.

At times, life can hit us from behind or knock us down. We receive bad news about the health of a loved one, or experience loss of health ourselves. A friendship is broken, leaving us to question our own ability to care for others. Financial trouble can rock at the boat like choppy waves. Broken dreams can pull the board of hope right out from under our feet, splashing one into icy reality. We know life is riddled with challenges, but we can prepare for those inevitable times. What safety measures do you have to protect your emotional state when tough times come? How equipped are you to bounce back when life isn’t smooth sailing?

We all need basic necessities to survive: food, water, oxygen, love and belonging. But how can we do more than just survive? How can we thrive and get past those tough times with courage and finesse? Often it is a person who can keep us afloat when trouble hits. Who are the people who you connect with on a regular basis? Think about it and create a list. Write down three people you would talk to in a crisis. Here are some starters if you are stuck. You never are alone.

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5 Fantastic Flotation Devices for Living Well

  1. Friend or neighbor. Who is in your day to day life that takes time to ask how you’re doing? Who do you see on a regular basis who knows a little bit about you?
  2. Which adults in your life could be a help in a time of need? Is there a teacher, a counselor, a pastor or youth group leader you could consult if you are having a difficult time with emotional issues? Approach them and start a conversation. Lead with something you have in common and ask if they have time to talk in private in length. Most adults in these roles have times set aside to work specifically with difficulties people have and would be happy to make time to work through a problem.
  3. Are you one of those lucky people to have the pet with a super-power sense to know when you need a few extra cuddles? Pay attention to that pet, they may give you clues as to how you handle emotional stress. Pause and give thanks for an animal’s ability to give attention and affection. Follow this with taking the dog for a walk or grooming your small pet or cat. Clean the bird’s cage or give water to the hamster. Giving back to those selfless creatures will only improve your outlook and keep them coming back to you as the life jackets that they are.
  4. Call a close family member. Let them know you would like to talk for awhile. Then listen. It works best if both of you get time to share.
  5. Build a new boat! Create more supports in your life.
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So, what if you think hard and don’t find many life jackets you can use? First, it’s never to late to create these supports. Try one of these suggestions.

  • Join a club and introduce yourself to others. It’s easy to make friends when you have interests and hobbies in common.
  • For adults, there are many meet-up sites that can connect you with others in your community looking for someone to knit, write, square dance, or hike with. These groups are great places to find someone who might turn into a life long friend.
  • Get to know your resources at work and school. Most of these organizations have a form of counseling available. Look in the counseling or health center of schools or check the Human Resources in your company. There are also resources online.
  • Consider joining a religious affiliation, as most religions have leaders trained to guide people through spiritual matters, but often times have modern psychology training as well.

Building strong relationships is key to maintaining positive mental-emotional health. Even if you currently think life is perfect, it’s important to know who will help you when life inevitably takes you by surprise.

Daily challenge: Find someone you have not talked to in the last three days, and may not know very well. Do the following steps and then record how it goes in a Daily Challenge Diary.

  • Introduce yourself or remind them of your name and how you might know one another. This makes them relax and know you are not trying to harm them if they are a nervous person.
  • Give them a compliment, and don’t expect one in return.
  • You get to give them the compliment, and show that you are willing to give to others.
  • Ask them how their day is going, and share a little detail or funny story about what happened to you recently.
  • Listen. Let them speak.
  • Have fun building a new contact, and maybe someday a friend you could enjoy spending more time with. Perhaps even someone life-jacket-worthy.

IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: If someone tells you they intend to hurt themselves or someone else, even if they say they are kidding, I urge you to tell a concerned adult or authority who could help. Don’t feel responsible if you don’t have the training to handle the difficulties that person is experiencing. Be the life jacket for someone else and share the suicide hotline with them. Share with someone who can help as soon as possible, and promise to follow up with the person who said they were going to hurt themselves. Even if you feel uncomfortable telling someone, you will feel worse if they do harm themselves and you may have been able to give them a little extra help.

Here is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline and ways to connect:
Phone – 1(800)273TALK(1-800-273-8255)
Twitter – @800273TALK
Facebook –

Many local and regional organizations list their numbers online. Do a quick search to find resources nearby. Remember you are not alone, and neither is the person you are trying to help. We all need a life jacket in life, and in paddle boarding. It’s required. Sometimes you near to wear if yourself and sometimes it’s on the board just in case. Where ever you are today. Find your life jacket. Be the life jacket for someone else. It will take your closer to the pursuit of all things healthy and well balanced.

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