water droplets on glass

Balance – Moving Forward or Standing Still?

water droplets on glass

Summertime in the Pacific North West is the ultimate time to visit.  Many have been hooked and joined the migration to this area. Proximity to breathtaking views of mountains and oceans, it’s a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. It’s hard to remember that the remaining nine months of the year an be gloomy and brutally damp.  One has to prepare for both in order to make the most of this area.

My mother and sister gave me a surprise visit during July which was extra special since I hadn’t seen them since moving away. They hadn’t been to this part of the country and I was eager to share what I appreciate about living here.  I also wanted to dispel the myths about rain. These stories they used to convince me to move back home, as devoted, close-knit family members do.

water droplets on glass

3 Things about the Rain

  1. Rain. It’s out there on most days, but there is also a near drought each summer over July and August that is perfect for hiking or getting out on the water. Even in winter or spring, a rainy day is usually punctuated with patches of sun and cloudless patches.  One has to work around the weather more.  It is true that if a day becomes sunny and warm, whole neighborhoods change plans and find something out doors to do. Working on a lawn project or walking the dog, the street become crowded with well wishers warming in the sun.  There is something to say about appreciating a sunny moment when you didn’t expect it.
  2. Water Access  – All this water drains into rivers and lakes, leaving paddlers with plenty of options to play on the water.  The weather here is temperate enough to paddle all year long.  More opportunities to stay healthy and enjoy the outdoors.
  3. Rain Drops are bigger – Not the typical North West drizzle that stays and mists, allowing one to transport mentally to a Charles Dickens tale. But the rain can be wetter from bigger drops.  One might wonder why the windshield seems to have small monkeys fall on it with a playful splat.  That couldn’t be rain.  Weather channels have described the patterns that set up colliding drops that form larger ones.

So, the weather could limit our decisions to get outside, but remember to make the best of it.  Many sports continue in the rain.  Hiking trails have new growth, and abundant water falls during the wet season.  Enjoy the raindrops and the sound it makes at night.  There is more to rain than getting wet.

girl balancing in yoga pose

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